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Hey Friends! My Name is Kristy.

Welcome to the Kristy Mae Photography blog. My name is Kristy Akey and I have run a portrait and wedding photography business from my home for the past nearly 8 years. I am located in the tiny town of Jay, NY in the middle of the gorgeous Adirondack Mountains. I have been so blessed through this business and can truly say I love getting to be a part of all of your lives! I hope you enjoy the journey as I share about my work and also a little about my life! Don't be afraid to say hello! 

Hi! Welcome to the Kristy Mae Photography blog. Thank you so much for stopping by and taking a peak into my little corner of the world. My name is Kristy Akey and I have run a portrait and wedding photography business from my home for the past nearly 8 years. I am located in the tiny town of Jay, NY in the middle of the gorgeous Adirondack Mountains. I have been so blessed through this business and can truly say I love getting to be a part of all of your lives! I hope you enjoy the journey as I share about my work and also a little about my life! Don't be afraid to say hello! 

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Hi friends, I’m back! It’s been a while (almost an entire year) but I’m still here and still going. 2020 was a year for the history books and one we won’t soon forget. It was a hard year in many respects but one filled with many blessings at the same time. I have plenty to […]

This project started with a desire to bless others and to capture some irreplaceable memories in a time when these families are walking through a very dark valley and could use a little extra light and love in their life. After completing only two of these sessions, it is quite clear they are quickly growing […]

Project Portrait is a project I’ve had on my heart for some time, but the timing hasn’t been quite right to get it started. In fact, the details have been rather vague in my mind and I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do other than to bless others with this passion God has […]

This weekend I had the amazing opportunity to host my first ever Workshop Experience For Moms. This is something I never dreamed I would be able to pull off or put together, but we did it and it was so fun! I enjoyed getting to share some of the knowledge I have been able to […]

Good morning friends! I know I’m terribly late in the game to be doing a 2019 recap, but since I haven’t blogged about anything regarding any of my work from last year yet I figured you would forgive me this one time. 2019 was a trying year in some ways, but it was also an […]

Hi friends!! Well here it is… my first blog post! I’m so excited to be able to share my work and life with you in a new and fun way. I also want to thank you for sticking around long enough to see me take this new step in my journey and for constantly supporting […]

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