“Photography is the beauty of life captured.” 

Tara Chisholm

I have been incredibly blessed to be given the opportunity to capture some of the happiest and most joyful moments in your lives, and to watch your families grow from year to year.  I am so very grateful to be a part of so many of your lives, but my heart also hurts for those of you who are going through really dark times and could use some light in your lives.

So, Project Portrait was created to share just a little glimpse of love and light to individuals and their families who have recently been diagnosed with cancer or a terminal illness or are currently in the process of fighting these awful diseases. My goal is to provide 1 of these sessions every month (for a total of 12 a year)  to families who could use a little happiness. 

Every family deserves to have beautiful memories and just a little moment of refreshment during a difficult time they otherwise may not be able to afford.

What is Project Portrait?

Email me at projectportrait@kristymaephotography.com

Please Include:
-Your full name and contact information
-The nominees full name and contact information
-Their diagnosis and a little of their story


Know Someone you would like to nominate?