This weekend I had the amazing opportunity to host my first ever Workshop Experience For Moms. This is something I never dreamed I would be able to pull off or put together, but we did it and it was so fun!
I enjoyed getting to share some of the knowledge I have been able to acquire over the past decade, share some of my own routines and techniques, and give them some guidance on how to use their individual cameras. However I really enjoyed getting to know each of the ladies who were able to attend and hearing a little bit about what their hopes for their own photography dreams are.
In the end though, my favorite part was getting to see their faces light up when they were able to take their cameras out of auto mode, put together some of the concepts we went over, and capture some photos they were really proud of! I can’t wait to see the growth these ladies have in the coming months.

A special thanks goes out to my amazing cousin Danielle who offered to host the workshop and who also took some of these fun pictures to record just a little bit about this exciting day.
If you are interested in attending a workshop in the future or if you would like to know more about them please feel free to contact me! I would love to have you join me and I’d be honored to be a part of your journey!
All My Love, Kristy

Kristy is an on location portrait and wedding photographer based out of the Adirondack Mountains where she lives with her husband and four children.