Good morning friends!
I know I’m terribly late in the game to be doing a 2019 recap, but since I haven’t blogged about anything regarding any of my work from last year yet I figured you would forgive me this one time.
2019 was a trying year in some ways, but it was also an incredibly rewarding year in my business. I grew as a photographer and as a person in ways I didn’t even know was possible. I’m eternally grateful to God for growing my faith and for giving me this chance to be able to spend my life doing something I love while getting to know all of you wonderful people.
2019 took me all over Upstate New York and on a few treks to Vermont, which was a fun change of scenery. Of course it wouldn’t be a complete year if we didn’t go visit one of my favorite places in the whole world which just so happens to be the ocean. There’s just something about it that speaks to me and draws me in like nothing else I’ve ever experienced. (No I’m not going all Moana on you (Disney reference), but its just so peaceful and refreshing and powerful all at the same time!) Maybe someday I’ll live there, but for now here I am and I will have to accept the yearly visits I get to make. While we were there I embraced the early mornings instead of choosing my sleep and I got rewarded with the most beautiful sunrises and some of my all time favorite portraits of my kids (which I may or may not have paid my boys to take.. but that’s a story for another day)!
Anyways, here is a quick recap of a few of the beautiful moments in my life and all of your lives you allowed me to be intertwined with and I am ever so grateful! There’s a great range of things here from headshots to weddings and everything in between. It was so fun for me to do a quick glance back at the entire year and all I can say is thank you to all of you from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you every single one of you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my 2019!
All my Love,

Kristy is an on location portrait and wedding photographer based out of the Adirondack Mountains where she lives with her husband and four children.