Hi friends!!
Well here it is… my first blog post! I’m so excited to be able to share my work and life with you in a new and fun way. I also want to thank you for sticking around long enough to see me take this new step in my journey and for constantly supporting my crazy ideas!
I just want to share a little bit about a topic I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about lately- the importance or value of a photo. I’m so grateful for technology and how easy it has made it to capture every day moments even when we’re incredibly busy. Things as mundane as my dog howling incessantly by my bed at 6 am to let her out to the more epic things like the 13th birthday glow party we just pulled off for my oldest are fairly quick and easy to document with a simple smartphone even when we don’t have a regular camera around. The downside to this convenience though is that we often forget how significant and valuable a photo really is because it’s become such a commodity in our lives.
So, I want to present a challenge or a reminder to all of us. As we go about our daily lives running here and there, doing seemingly mundane average things, let’s not forget how much of a gift a photo is or take for granted what we are doing when we capture those photos. Let’s not wait until our children go off to school, a decade goes by, a loved one gets diagnosed with an illness, a family member gets married, or we lose a friend or loved one to make us stop and remember what a treasure a photo is. A photo is ONE moment in time, different from every other moment, that can never be repeated again and someday will be cherished so dearly. It holds memory after memory of a time that was here and gone before we could even process what was truly happening.
Every day our lives are filled with small subtle changes we don’t necessarily recognize, but when you look back over the course of a year it’s much more noticeable. Time doesn’t slow down for anyone and those moments that seem so mundane right now will be so precious in just a blink of an eye. A lifetime is truly so short, and truth be told we have no idea how long any of us will be here on this earth so I say go out and make all of those memories and do your best to capture them!
One thing I started several years ago that I would highly recommend was making a yearly book of photos of our family adventures through Blurb. (They do an amazing job and the quality is fantastic if you want to do something like this yourselves!) It has become something not only I cherish, but my kids look through them over and over again and have already begun to cherish themselves too. I definitely recommend this to all of you, and I know you won’t regret it!
Before I go, I will share a very few short overview of some of my special moments from the past 15 years! They’re not all perfectly in focus or edited just right, but they’re special to me and that makes them perfect!

All my love- Kristy

Kristy is an on location portrait and wedding photographer based out of the Adirondack Mountains where she lives with her husband and four children.
AMAZING and PICTURES are WONDERFUL and full of memories, laughter ,growing Its Life